The RRDD Project

This page is a quick links to other pages dedicated to The RRDD Project. I hope to provide as much information about the Going Green Revolution and RRDD FAQS as I can for contributors and future team members. Some links will be supplied as we make progress:

DONATIONS - The Donations page gives information helping contributors understand the goals of the company and The RRDD Project and how their contribution matters for our future. It also gives them the opportunity to contribute to The RRDD Project.

Please donate to the cause for humanity! The RRDD Project is a personal project. You must be at least 18 years old to donate gifts or verified guardian approval. Donations are gifts and will be sent to the owner to help make new designs to donate to the project and to help defray personal costs incurred during project planning. After donating or canceling you will be taken to Thank you for your help!

I,      II,      III,      IV,      V ) – Offline for now: The Phases pages briefly explain what each Phase focuses on for planned rollouts.

SOLUTIONS – My solutions page tells how we generate funds for the operations of the company and The RRDD Project. It also has articles (chapters) to the owner's online book publication called, Solutions For Our Future", which is free to read and implement. There are donation buttons at the bottom of each article chapter just like the one above where you can click to donate funds to The RRDD Project, any of the five Phases, Muse, or Guru. The author and owner of these solutions relies on your integrity to send gifts in the amount you think the solutions, theories, or tips is worth to you, your organization, or government. You may also use the Contact page information to send funding as gifts using either check or money order. Thank you for your contribution to our cause cleaning our planet and reducing or reversing climate change!

PROGRESS ( I,      II,      III,      IV,      V ) – Offline for now: Phase Progress pages provides information about each Phase progress toward launching goals.

ORIGINATORS – Offline for now: The Originators page lists alphabetically (unless anonymous) those related to me by exclusive DNA of myself contributors who donated to The RRDD Project. 

It is my job as the owner and first Originator to qualify anyone wishing to become a member of The RRDD Project. The mission of the project is to manufacture products and provide quality services for society for the benefit of humanity and longevity. If you wish to remain anonymous but contribute your products, talents, education, assets, or services to the project, I will first ask you your name. Your name is your virtue. I am perfect DNA of the original Human. Most every nation has had monarchy related to me. So, please research your history as best you can, but I must stress that if your name is a good name to me, then I will allow you entry into the project. The reason is that I can tell if your name is good, bad, or ugly (evil). It is a gift handed down to me throughout my history. If your name is half good and half bad, then I may request that you divest yourself of evil influences or affiliations before you can qualify. 

Those anonymous contributors are not held on any database online to prevent hacking. If qualified Goode family (does not have to be this name but does need to be related somewhere in their history to me with absolutely no outside DNA strains of non-indigenous to qualify for Originator membership in The RRDD Project or in any of my companies) contributors wish their names listed on our Originators page for historical and legends list for the future, they must grant RRDD permission to list their name online or specify anonymity. Anonymous Contributors = A/C plus their individual, organization, or government number. The number is important as a first come, first serve basis for distribution of products, services, or methodology. You must contribute something significant like time, mentoring, funds, skills, abilities, products, material, property, or services to be considered an Originator!

RRDD OWNER - The Owner’s page outlines the goals and objectives of the founder of the company, Round Robin Distribution Designs, LLC and The RRDD Project.

RRDD PROJECT TEAM – Offline for now: The RRDD Project Team page explains the management pay structure, contact point for Originators joining management, and what the company expects of their members.

JOB LISTINGS – (The RRDD Project CEO) - Not needed at the moment. –  (Independent Contractor Job As My Personal Assistant) - Needed Now! The Job Listings pages are recruitment for open positions within the RRDD company or The RRDD Project that will be operational at some point in the future.

BUSINESS STRUCTURE – Offline for now: The Business Structure page briefly lists company expectations for each member of upper management either in RRDD or The RRDD Project, but this list may grow as the company adds positions. Please remember that RRDD employees and upper management of The RRDD Project are related to me personally and receive special status in that they are allowed to preview new products or services. No matter their number, they are always, like the owner, on the top of the list of contributors. Their job and mine are to keep us all happy and healthy. So, they deserve to be pampered a bit.

OPERATIONS – Offline for now: The Operations page lists possible expenditures for The RRDD Project and where or how we spend contributor funds. It also lists funding goals to launch each Phase and how much funding or goods and services we received to date.

THE RRDD COMPANY – Offline for now: The Company page gives company philosophy and explains more about how this project began.

We hope this page helps you better understand The RRDD Project, the management, and owner of the RRDD company. Joining the project is a good choice that helps us build newer and cleaner designs for our future. We need your help to begin such a massive undertaking. You can donate as much as you can and then watch as your name and contribution are added to the list of legends.

Speaking of my new designs, I give you this quote from Albert Szent-Gyorgyi (1893-1986) "Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen but thinking what nobody thought." 

The RRDD Project will contain many designs never seen before. This foundation of designs provides a solid basis for our future here on Earth and traveling to planets beyond our solar system. Our philosophy is that we are all in this together. All you need to do is believe in the possibilities to be a legend and part of history in the making.

Thank you for your interest in The RRDD Project. Contact the administrator of the project in English using the contact form to leave a message or for more information. Someone will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and we hope to see you on the flip side!