The definition of muse is a spirit or source of inspiration for a creative artist or a person of influence. An example of a muse is any of the nine daughters of Mnemosyne and Zeus each of whom preside over a different art or science. These sister goddesses in Greek mythology provide inspired creative artistry. I am Goddess Hera (Here), owner of Olympus here on earth in the flesh. Offering insight as a muse means lifting others with practical and spiritual clarity. It also provides focused pathways for better living and working for good outcomes and futures. A muse is not a religious spirit but may use known religions to describe or expound about myths or methods used by religious practitioners to hold hostage inherent insecurities either by spirituality, career, or governance.

Are you tired of religious entities or organizations telling you how bad a person you are? Do you know that you are a good person no matter if you go to church or not? Do you think that your sins are no worse than the preacher who is criticizing you as a sinful person needing saving by Jesus Christ – someone you don’t even know? Are you tired of the feelings of guilt when you don’t go to church or press your forehead to the ground on a daily basis, butt in the air with the faint feeling you are being screwed? Do you feel as if the money, assets, and time you have given to your faith go unappreciated or even exploited with no real spiritual healing for you on a personal, career, governance, or business level?

Are you tired of Sharia laws, Islamic mandates such as burkas and uneducated females? Do you think that Muslims in Jihad fighting because of religious ideologies is evil and has evil intent on preventing peaceful co-existence of different cultures? Do you think that Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, or other such faiths are narrow-minded and perverted cults bent on using your insecurity to further their monetary, political, and power positions? Do you think that these organizations or groups who call anyone who rejects or opposes their restrictive criticisms and views on personal behavior as infidels or evil people the very evil they say that they oppose? If so, then you may have the commonsense necessary to understand the truth when you hear or see it no matter what you may have been taught or how you were indoctrinated.

Welcome to the new world Utopia of self-love, happiness, and green minimalist living. Using new methods, designs, and collaboration, we can all benefit from straightforward sensible lifestyles to improve our daily lives going forward into the future. To that end, the muse you can trust, Love MoonEagle, allows individuals, companies, and governments the opportunity to pick the brain of monarchy connection to the original spirit to help them understand how their lives, actions, and activities impact themselves and others for the good of all.


Me-Time Relationships

Gifts of love may be given for my wellness as your muse and for insight sessions provided helping you gain independence from the weights or pressures exerted by others over your spiritual self. Gifts over $16,000 U.S. dollars in America you must list on your tax return; however, gifts to the me are not taxed. Any amount is welcome to help offset website and costs of living and relief from day-to-day stress.

The efforts the muse gives frees you from feelings of guilt and responsibility for abhorrent actions others project into your environment for monetary gains and power trips. I gently, but firmly, guide you, your company, or government toward optimal peace and prosperity for the near and far futures.

You may send requests for service or personal advice to this address in English language only please and make out all checks or money orders to: April Minton, 608 South Elm Street, Clarksville, Arkansas, 72830. Please mail or send your name, entity and department, email, address, phone number, and request for phone (U.S. only) or virtual sessions (non-U.S.A.) via contact forms. I verify your email information and will get back to you on a first come, first served basis. All insight or advice is considered personal, even for businesses or government entities, except for billed contracted services. This is a reverse payment program where you receive beautification of yourself by my insight and then you determine the value of my knowledge and spiritual muse or guru abilities unlimited. Please use the PayPal Donate button below to send whatever you think my services are worth. It is a charitable gift. You might want more insight later.

Finally, you will find that seeming out-of-reach understanding that eliminates self-doubt and gives positive affirmations for your life and your real purpose. Prophecy begins with knowing symbolisms or signs given in nature and even the universe. Although not an astrologer or zodiac fortuneteller, as your muse I use big picture analysis of your goals and achievements as your mental and spiritual healer. My ability to light pathways to personal and business success are naturally inherent to my heritage, experiences, and education. If I cannot help you with your questions or problems, you will promptly be informed so both your and my time and money are not wasted.

Thank you for visiting! See you on the flip side! – Love MoonEagle