Future Solutions Consulting

©Future Solutions Consulting is a muse, and a guru, qualitative financial analyst, non-religious spiritual adviser, and solution provider. 

Although advice is based on education, experience, and personal views, even for contracting or scheduling services, your sustained future success is important on every level! When you find roadblocks or limitations within your personal journey or network, we work smart bringing insight for individuals, limiting risk for organizations, and defining pathways for governments. Key goals are to achieve optimum results from very complex situations. My expertise as the solution provider, and the expertise of my employees or affiliates, encompasses most genre, industries, and venues allowing a deeper understanding of your problems, which helps determine the best solution and value for clients. 

Personal insight, life, and business-coaching are given via scheduled phone, email, or mail on first come, first serve basis. All correspondence must use my contact form in English only. When you cannot get the right answers from anyone else, you will be pleasantly surprised by my service. You may donate using the PayPal button below to send gifts to the me, the owner of the company, as your muse or guru, any solutions or solutions articles you read on my solutions page, or The RRDD Project up to $10,000 USD. You may also use the contact form at the bottom of this page to send your requests.

Please donate to our cause! The RRDD Project is a personal project. You must be at least 18 years old to donate gifts or verified guardian approval. Donations are gifts and will be sent to me, the owner, to help make new designs to donate to the project and to help defray personal costs incurred during project planning. Please read the entire page or go to The RRDD Project page and click on the Donations link to read more about why, where, and how your gift is used before you donate. After donating or canceling you will be taken to http://www.roundrobindistributiondesigns.com (the parent company website). Thank you for your help!

Please be advised that all solutions on our websites are my personal view and are not contracts for services with Future Solutions Consulting, MoonEagle Security, MoonEagle Logistics, AGM Heart Gallery, Round Robin Distribution Designs, LLC (RRDD), The RRDD Project, or the owner. Articles found on my solutions link page are free to read and implement as a part of my online book, "Solutions For Our Future" and some you may comment about as personal blog conversations. As of 3/2/2024, I have reverted to draft my solutions links page because I have received no traffic, calls, emails, or blogging on any pages. I may decide to re-instate these solutions at a later date, but they may be obsolete by then! They do not necessarily reflect the overall views of any affiliate companies or future contacts. When you read any of these solutions or articles and you believe they help you, your company, or government, you may donate any gift amount as your integrity warrants. Any donations submitted using the Donate button are gifts to the owner of The RRDD Project and RRDD company and are not considered compensation for services or products.

Please do not submit links or disallowed blog content. They will be deleted. If you wish to contract for products, insight, or services, you must first contact me using my contact information. Future Solutions Consulting services of this type may be billable or by the hour contracted services or advice, but most often you must determine the worth or value of my ability to solve your problem and then use any PayPal or donate button on my websites to send gifts of appreciation you think my services are worth. Send your requests and information and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

Lean techniques are used as a part of a larger portfolio toolbox. This inclusion of lean is cutting edge and provides a better vision and organization for seeming chaos in your life, work, and affiliations. Lean Enterprise techniques are not so new that they are immeasurable. In fact, lean has been an important part of creating competitive advantage for companies for many years now. However, I have expanded the definition of lean to include all industries and the customer themselves. I have the magic bullet to lean, but it will require a total revamp, retooling, and transition to my methodology for this to become reality. In other words, it will take a few years, time, and significant efforts to achieve lean Zen. Some questions I have helping solve your problems might be directed at the visionary for your person, company, and government, and how you would like to promote progress within your environment. I believe customers know what they want, but some have difficulty finding the correct path to implement plans for their future.

Being able to see the bigger picture helps me evaluate and dissect problems, rearrange order, and find a better outcome for your condition. Some scenarios or cancers are delicate in nature and require finesse. But to be honest, many seeming insurmountable problems may only need a few paragraphs of insight to solve. My expertise is in pinpointing the heart of the position, then maximizing the result for the correct pathway for clients. This does not necessarily take a manuscript of dialogue or number crunching for my clients to decipher. I am not trying to be an accountant, but I do have the qualifications, education, and experience to perform this function, as well. I am an aggregate and qualitative solutions provider that uses internal and external data to determine financial viability for your program, product, or service. I do sometimes use my own quantitative abilities or those of an approved affiliate financial analyst to help me help you with your problem. I am a quick, to the point, and cost- effective problem solver. If I cannot solve your problem in the time required, you do not owe me a dime.

So, if you need a common-sense solution to a complex problem, contact me to give my unconventional brainpower a try! I only get paid when I provide a good solution, and the pay rate is determined by the size of the problem for contracted services. I will inform you on initial consultation whether I may be able to help without contracting so that you can evaluate my services for gift payment. There is no fee for an initial consultation of problem and prices for contracted larger solutions are very reasonable. Full analysis, however, may be billable. Extra-large problems requiring extensive research may require more time to solve and will command billable, by the hour, pricing. However, it has been my experience that some very large problems take no more than a few paragraphs for me to explain the correct pathway to success.

 Income Tax and Deficit Solution and a few found on my other pages such as Muse and Guru are meant to help my tribes world-wide achieve peace, health, and happiness. Please see my solutions link on the right for some of my solutions to today’s problems and how they quickly arrive at the heart of the problem with the least amount of expenditure for my clients. As you can see, I have provided neatly packaged solutions for many government and societal problems in the list. This is a peek at how I evaluate problems and provide complete and achievable answers. And, although there may be finite details left out of each solution, understand that an opening is left for the company or government to mold the solution to best fit their situation. Bought and documented solutions receive a mentoring period to adjust the solution for unforeseen circumstances. This offering allows room for clients to see the results without compromising their integrity.

My standard is confidentiality. I value your business and want repeat customers. I and my company employees do not share lists of clients or problems of clients with anyone unless you give your permission, or you wish to supply your testimony.

For clients wishing for a spiritual muse or guru and personal insight or life-coaching, this value is given by me, personally, as I am the genius and owner of all of these companies and services. I am strictly a non-ordained, non-religious, earthly, spirituality, and business or corporate advisor that uses ancient, experience, and educated methods to help guide clients to happier and healthier longevity. Please specify MUSE for personal insight or GURU for business or government insight within your correspondence for the fastest results. A muse consultation is more for personal advisement, while a guru is mostly for business or government advisement. However, either is universal. Your government or nation may need spiritual advisement, for instance. Or you may need business-type personal analysis such as what to buy or what product is best for you. The company employees may qualify your request before presenting your wishes to my attention, so please be patient as your information is processed (number, email, message, and contact form below). Sometimes, scheduling may be processed as urgent or long-term, depending upon the needs of clients.

Thank you for visiting my business and I look forward to working with you soon! Don’t forget to share on social media and add me to your following list!

This is important! Extra-large solutions require extensive research and collaborations, and these types of solution costs are higher than the standard solutions. You need to send your problem via contact form or by mail address found on the parent company website by clicking the Contact link in the menu. I have made it simple for you to send a gift to me via any donate button or by regular mail using my company contact address. Please leave your name, entity, email, contact, number and request or problem and someone will get back to you as soon as possible. All correspondence in English. Anyone may pay for a solution they have used found on my Solutions page with no set mandatory payment. However, gifts showing your love are gratefully accepted. I do need your personal information if you need a receipt for tax purposes, though. Thank you for your integrity!